Things You Should Never Do on a Plane

Low Fare Scanners
4 min readJul 17, 2024


Key Mistakes To Avoid On A Plane

Traveling by plane can be a wonderful experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-timer, avoiding certain common mistakes can make your journey much more enjoyable. In this blog, we’ll highlight key mistakes to avoid on a plane to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free flight.

Pre-Flight Mistakes

Poor Packing Choices

Overpacking and exceeding luggage weight limits can lead to additional fees and stress at the airport. Make sure to pack only what you need and weigh your bags before leaving home. Forgetting essential items like travel documents, medications, or chargers can also create unnecessary complications. Additionally, remember to pack restricted items, such as liquids over 100ml, in your checked luggage to avoid security issues.

Not Checking In Online

Checking in online before your flight offers several advantages. It allows you to choose your preferred seat, reducing the risk of being stuck in a less desirable spot. It also helps you avoid long lines at the airport and decreases the likelihood of being bumped from an overbooked flight.

Ignoring Airport Arrival Times

Arriving at the airport too late can result in missing your flight, while arriving too early can mean spending hours waiting. Aim to arrive at the airport two to three hours before a domestic flight and three to four hours before an international flight to strike the right balance.

Boarding Mistakes

Not Paying Attention to Boarding Announcements

It’s easy to get lost in a book or conversation, but not paying attention to boarding announcements can cause you to miss important information about gate changes or boarding times. Stay aware of your surroundings to ensure a smooth boarding process.

Carrying Too Much Onboard

Carrying excessive hand luggage can be problematic. It may be difficult to find space in the overhead bins, and struggling to stow your bags can delay other passengers. Aim to travel light with only essential items in your carry-on.

Not Respecting Boarding Groups

Boarding out of turn can cause confusion and delays. Respect the boarding groups announced by the airline to help ensure a smooth and orderly boarding process.

Key Mistakes To Avoid On A Plane

In-Flight Mistakes

Ignoring Safety Instructions

While frequent flyers might feel they already know the safety procedures, it’s crucial to pay attention to the safety instructions provided by the flight attendants. This information is vital and could save your life in an emergency.

Overusing Electronics

It’s important to follow the rules regarding electronic device use on planes. Using electronics when not allowed can interfere with the plane’s systems and disturb other passengers with bright screens or loud noises. Be considerate and use headphones.

Being Inconsiderate of Fellow Passengers

Being mindful of your fellow passengers can make everyone’s flight more pleasant. Avoid reclining your seat without checking behind you, don’t hog armrests, and try to keep noise levels down. Respecting others’ personal space and comfort is key to a harmonious flight.

Neglecting Hydration and Movement

The dry cabin air can lead to dehydration, so it’s essential to drink plenty of water during your flight. Additionally, sitting for long periods increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Make an effort to move around the cabin and stretch periodically to maintain good circulation.

Post-Flight Mistakes

Rushing to Deplane

While it’s natural to want to get off the plane quickly, rushing can cause congestion and frustration for others. Wait for your turn and make sure you have all your belongings before leaving your seat.

Forgetting to Double-Check Seat Area

Before disembarking, double-check your seat area for any personal items you may have left behind, such as electronics, passports, or other valuables. Leaving these items behind can create significant inconvenience and potential security issues.

Ignoring Jet Lag and Recovery Tips

Traveling across time zones can lead to jet lag, which affects your sleep and overall well-being. Try to adjust to the new time zone as quickly as possible by getting sunlight, staying hydrated, and resting when needed. Ignoring these tips can prolong your recovery and impact the enjoyment of your trip.


Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly improve your flying experience. From pre-flight preparations to post-flight recovery, being mindful of these tips will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.

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